J.Reynolds Sweet Stall.

There has been a Reynolds rock and sweet stall on the market ever since I was a child. It was originally established in1820 by Joseph Reynolds who took his stall to fairs and flower shows and still attends Midsummer Fair. I went to Junior school with one of the family, Trevor, who liked my friend June. On the way home once, he asked me to be a lookout as he took her into St Matthew's church doorway and kissed her ! We were all about 9 years old. The rock and sweets were homemade in their shop in Newmarket Road and later, after we had moved house, my friends and I would run to school and save our bus fares so that we could buy a paper cone of broken bits of rock. Sometimes we were really lucky and found a whole sweet. My favourites were peppermint rock and paregoric sweets which they still sell on the market stall. At one time the stall was lit by flares which gave an inviting glow.

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