Anni Mamundi

By An1ma

In the gloaming...

..Come sing and be merry.

Not that my campfire is burning tonight.

I've had a productive but dull day cleaning out cupboards.
(Don't you just hate it when you're almost finished, low on energy, yet surrounded by complete and utter mess?).
The good news is that I found some stuff that I'd come to terms with having lost forever. (A little bottle of 'Evening in Paris' perfume. It belonged to my Grandma, who never wore it (maybe it didn't smell very nice?) but I remember feeling that the pretty blue bottle in her dressing table was the most feminine and exotic thing in my small world. I saved it from the bin when her house was cleared. No doubt when my own house is cleared (once I'm having my final dirt nap*) it'll find its way there anyway. Some might say I should have cut out the middle man!).

Anyway.. More rugby.. It's all good stuff.

*This makes it sound as though I take interim dirt naps :-/

I don't.

Cleaning out cupboards is boring but not terminal.

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