Climbing Trees

It's a rare sight to find anyone climbing trees these days. The simplest and most natural of childhood pleasures seem to have been overtaken by safer, more structured pastimes. It was a very refreshing sight then to see these three young women just playing around. They are students in Leeds, and having all been brought up in the countryside, respectively from South Wales, Northern Ireland and the East of England, they had come out from the city for a dose of home. They were certainly enjoying themselves. It did all go slightly wrong just after this though. While climbing down, the girl in the tree managed to impale her jacket on a branch stump and was left dangling! The other two beat me to the rescue. I was a little slow off the mark taking pictures!

A crazily busy day from beginning to end, preparing to evacuate my house. I did escape for a couple of hours to the writer's group, which is flourishing. A host of talented new members have appeared this last month, lending a real vibrancy to proceedings. We all bring something different to the table. I blobbed on the assignment last week but the stories and poems produced and then read out were wonderful, ranging from the deliciously dark to the laugh out loud funny. Somehow, I've got to try to write a Halloween themed story for next Saturday.

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