Nesssaintee's World

By nesssaintee


Well yes I am a lot better this past wee while
But there's still the odd sleepless night or the did eventually sleep only to wake up 3hrs later "bathed" in the contents of my bag and dis functional bowel sort of night
Last night was the later :-(
I am generally feeling like there is/has been improvement. For instance I no longer need to wear a belt to keep ma breeks up. Maybe they have shrunk in the wash or maybe I have put a bit of weight on . Before the last lot of surgery I was 14 and a half stone, at my worst I was eight and a half stone, last time I weighed myself I was just under nine and a half stone, I should be around the 11 stone mark there is nothing wrong with my appetite, I can eat for Scotland , problem is it was never staying in my stomach long enough to get much benefit out of it, so I was eating more and more and more, cartoon eating, the upshot of that was I stopped eating all together for a couple of weeks, it's like my stomach has gone on strike and come out in sympathy with my bits that are healing :-(
I have clinics to attend on Wednesday, I am worried .
It's not going to get much better for me today
Hope that you've all have a good day

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