Arkensiel Photography

By arkensielphoto

English Marigold

A day of doing what Sunday’s are made for, getting up a little later than usual, eating a roast dinner, reading a book and doing very little else.
I was late going to bed last night as the cats were sprayed with a different flea spray. The fleas appear to becoming resistant to Frontline and 4Fleas, both of which have different ingredients and while Dougal was fine, Florence had a reaction to it and was suddenly frothing at the mouth. Our cats do not normally have milk, but she drank quite a lot, slept on my knee for several hours and appears to be fine today. Florence had a reaction to something we used a long while ago, so she must be watched very carefully.

Once again it is very cold and dull, so today’s picture, of an English Marigold, brings a bright spot to the day.

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