Barbara Hitchings

By Spannygranny


and Grandad.

We are now in the UK. We left our hotel at midday yesterday. Dave collected us in the car, we spent an hour at their apartment, then went out.  We went to the pictures to see Pan, I wasn't impressed with it.

Got to the airport for about 7.30pm, our flight should have departed at 11pm, but it was delayed by an hour.  Very smooth flight, we landed at Heathrow at 5am and the taxi was waiting for us.  Got to our hotel at 7am and they let us check in, a quick 40 winks, shower, breakfast, then off to see the family.

Both the twins have been poorly, chest infections, so they were both a bit grumpy. Jacob was having a nap, so we took Danny to the park.  He looks so tiny next to Roy.

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