An Experience We Don't Repeat Too Soon...Or At All

Not the best photograph, but certainly the best sight to greet me this morning...Johnny looking relaxed, bright and almost cheery. His stable was full of evidence that things were 'moving' again.

Apart from a swollen eye and cut leg (from being cast in his stable yesterday) and a very tender tummy..he seemed tired but relatively unscathed. He has never had colic before and as a friend of mine went through the same experience this weekend, but with a very different and sad outcome, I am feeling very lucky and hope that it is an experience we don't repeat too soon...or at all..

I am sorry that I am so behind on comments and backblips (which I have now loaded)..but I am myself catching up on 2 nights missed sleep so it may be a few days before I can catch up with comments and journals.

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