Da Dykes

Another fine calm day and packed full of sunshine :)  It did start to cloud over in the late afternoon. 

Shame I had to work today, I'd love to have spent the day out and about with Sammy, but I had to go to work.  I did get up early enough to get out and about this morning before work, a lovely warm morning too, I only needed my t-shirt :)  Off to work in the museum and it's been busier than I expected.  I thought most would have stayed away and enjoyed the sunshine, well maybe the cafe helped bring them in :) 
Plenty more walkies this evening, it's still so calm and then might head out to visit friends later. 

On my way to work, I had to stop in various places to enjoy the sunny views :)  Even though it's been a nice day, the grass was soaking, so walkies would have been limited to roads only, unless I got the rubber boots out.  I would have enjoyed being out in this sunshine all day :)  This is the old croft house, Da Dykes, Fladdabister and looking out towards the cliffs of Bressay.  

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