
[Before you ask, it's the window of a barber's. I've not gone that cryptic]

Busy day with kids here, there and everywhere. So one girl went off to the cinema in the morning with pals, the other one didn't. Then I did the pick-up thing and made sure they met up with leasko and mamasuzi for lunch before going off to do an animation workshop at Filmhouse whilst me and my partner went to see Crimson Peak at Another Cinema Entirely (verdict - not that scary and I actually got a bit bored, it was alright) before everyone met up for late arvo coffee and cake and a chat.

And, of course this was all before the evening's entertainment for us four - Steve Backshall's Wild World at the Festival Theatre. A very good show indeed, we're all big Steve fans in our house anyway. He couldn't really go wrong. Educational, entertaining, plenty of emphasis on all the times he's been bitten/attacked/posioned/etc, all that.

Busy day then, phew - time to relax with a Schiehallion and Question Time on catch-up...

Classic Barber-Related Track From One Of My All-Time Favourite Albums

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