I was privileged to travel with and share the final steps of a journey with Ann, a very dear friend.  Our friendship went back many years and began when her husband had cancer, and I used to go and sit with him while Ann was at work as a librarian.  We became firm friends and our love of reading and books was a constant source of delight to us both.

We spent many hours together after her husband died, and after a few years, she married again.  I remember on one occasion when we were together and both reading, she said how grateful she was to have a friend who enjoyed reading as much as she did and how much it meant to her to be able to sit without talking and just be happy in each other's presence.  

Sadly after a few years, Ann was diagnosed with a brain tumour and in the times we spent together just before she died, and when Mr. HCB and her husband used to go to a nearby hotel for a drink and a man-to-man chat,  I often read to her.  She couldn't see well enough to read for herself and couldn't talk very well, but she told me how much she enjoyed hearing me read - they were such precious times.
She always used to say she wished she could write like me and I treasure a bookmark she sent while she was very ill in hospital, on which she wrote in her shaky handriting: "I love you both loads and thanks so much for your help and support both mentally and physically and could I make an appt for you, M, to teach me how to write more clearly - I don't mean quite calligraphy........"

I miss her so much, but am so grateful for her friendship and for the fact that we travelled many roads together.  

If life is a journey 
     then let my soul travel 
          and share your pain. 
Santosh Kalwar

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