2014 more running needed

By Brianporterrun

101 uses for an Olympic Torch

To bring things up to date.
My Facebook page went crazy on Saturday with people posting photos and messages of goodwill to me. It was a completely unexpected response and quite overwhelming.

I took the Torch to our Sports and Social Club on Saturday afternoon to share it with the Village. It was packed and my simple act went down well with everyone.

As I walked through the Village a young mum on her phone spotted my tracksuit and told her friend "There's a man with a tracksuit like a torchbe... OH MY GOD HE'S GOT A TORCH!"
I walked a while and took a photo of her, then we placed the Torch next to baby and took a few of him. I loved the expression on her face.

A good friend who is very ill at the moment had dragged himself out of his house this morning and went to see The Flame, against his family and doctor's advice. I popped in to see him and a few tears were shed by us all. I knew he'd like to see it but I'd no idea just how pleased he was that I called in.
Within 20 minutes of leaving I'd receivd thank you messages fom his whole family. News travels fast round here :)

We got some great shots of babies playing with The Big Shiny Thing

On the way home I called in on another person who is housebound at present. I overheard one of her friends saying " ****** would love to see this" So I quietly found out where she lived and popped in on my way home. More tears.I'm going to have to stop surprising people like this!

These moments will live longer than the hate ext I received tonight. Apparently there is too much coverage of me on Facebook and I "should think of others who have problems" I guess I must be a proper celebrity if I'm getting hate messages :)

This morning I went to Church and there was a Christening. The family gotsome lovely photos of the baby with The Torch but my lasting memory will be of the look of unabounded pride and joy a their Son was baptised.

After a restful afternoon Alison and I went to the Freckleton Band concert in Kirkham. The were supported by the wonderful ArchBishop Temple School Jazz Band.

I was asked to bring The Torch into the hall as the Band played John Williams Los Angles 1984 Fanfare and Theme. This is the only time I have been nervous. But once the music started I could not help but smile as wide as I did yesterday. One of those hairs on the back of the neck moments.

A lot of photos again and this one made me smile a lot.

It was a great end to a great wekend. We even got back for the end of the football. Ah well, we can't have everything

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