
The plumber was here by 8am so Millie and I escaped to the banks of the K&A.

It was very busy again. Lots of boats were travelling up the locks and there were 3 Waterways staff seemingly helping by opening the lock gates in readiness.

One of my sisters sent me a text saying her husband is fed up with the box of my mother's paintings in their garage. He has given us until Wednesday to choose whatever we want and anything left will go to the dump! My sister says some of the paintings are very good.

I didn't realise there (still) was a box of paintings. Me being me means I cannot bear the thought of any of them going to the dump! 

I have 2 of her paintings (of the K&A) hanging in my living room but I guess I can find places for others.

Facebook memories have thrown up a photo of my Dad and Sylvia today. It was taken 2 years ago today. Dad has a beard. It took me a while to "conquer" his beard and get the hang of shaving him. It is such a happy photo so I have included it as an extra.  

I have sorted out arrangements to get to Dave's funeral next week and now I remember I have theatre arrangements for both Thursday and Friday nights. I shall definately miss Thursday but hope I am home in time to travel to Bristol for Friday evening. 

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