East Coasting

By OzBeachcomber

Yamba Bay

Absolutely beautiful evening here today and for once I was spoilt for choice for a blip so I will add a couple of others to my blipfolio.
I started off spotting a couple of very colourful birds feeding on the grass across the road and and quickly got the camera - I got a couple of shots of them on the ground but when I went to get closer they took off but managed to get one of them in flight. I don't think I've ever seen this type before - they have a beautiful colours especially the teals and blues and are apparently "White-cheeked Eastern Rosellas" - one of the many species of Rosellas all of which have many different colour combinations. I then decided to go for a quick drive into the bay and was quite suprised by the beautiful colours - lots of lovely oranges in the west but also some lovely soft colours looking eastward.
White-cheeked Eastern Rosella
This was initially my first blip choice - still can't make up my mind....
Pink and Grey Cockatoos (common name Galahs)
These gorgeous Cockatoos were sitting on the top most branches of a really tall Ghost Gum by the river this afternoon - they were sharing the tree with numerous noisy Lorikeets who were doing acrobatics on the branches, hanging upside down and kissing each other and generally acting crazy. The Cockatoos were totally uninterested. It was moments like this that I wished I had a bigger zoom lens, although as it was it was hard to keep the camera steady whilst pointing it almost vertically upwards.

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