Autumn Bee...

I was staggering around the flower bed this afternoon, in search of yet another Autumn rose, when to my amazement this Bee appeared! Even more surprisingly, he was swiftly followed by the most enormous Bumble Bee!! Thankfully there are still plenty of flowers in the garden to keep them going, even though it has been rather chilly...

Had to cancel my plans for today's outing as still no better, in fact felt worse, so apart from my brief foray into the garden, I've been curled up with the tv and a very fluffy cat...

But on the good news front, Boris has returned!! After starring in the world of Blip on Saturday he disappeared yesterday, and I thought I'd frightened him off with my camera, but this morning he was back, safely ensconced in his web...

(Looks slightly less fuzzy in large - I kept falling over!!)

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