Moody Monday

Asha & I walked to school this morning as Danny was needed for early morning translation services! Took a good 45 minutes to get to school, but Asha loved every minute of it as it was raining, so she got to use her brolly!
Then home to our first winter community meeting - cooked breakfast for us all...just the thing on a wet & cold morning!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) A scenic drive home this evening - we had to go to San An to borrow some stuff for THE  arrival of the Bullis...nice to stop off and hear the waves, smell the salt, and grab a quick blip.
2) Bumping into someone at the supermarket I've not seen for a while.
3) A hilarious game of hide and seek with Asha - hid with her dressing gown on my head and the laundry basket as a shield, and it took her forever to find me! In fact, in the end, my laughing gave me away!

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