Fitness Trees

I decided on a mini plod around campus at lunchtime as I am still short of puff. It ended up being not so mini as I managed to get a bit lost as per usual! I decided to do the reverse of a route I normally do and that was enough to confuse my appalling sense of direction!

I wandered past some fitness trees that are a recent addition to campus. They were looking rather unloved - but I suppose it was a bit chilly.

I actually had to sit down at my desk for the first time since we moved in at the start of September. My legs felt like jelly today - I think the stomach bug and cold combo has done for me! My legs are still really achy now - and I have sat down for most of the evening.

Leo had a full on exercise day - represented the school at cross country and then got in some footie practice after school. He was very proud of coming 38/62 in the cross country competition as it was his first time giving it a go. I think he is built more for speed than endurance so am impressed he made it around okay - more than I could do!

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