
By mollyblobs


A miserable grey, damp morning gave way to some sunshine in the middle of the day, before the clouds rolled in again later. I spent the morning report writing and nipped out in the garden at lunchtime to see if there was anything photogenic. The Cosmos and Calendula are beautiful at the moment, so I just hope that the frosts hold off for a while. I particularly loved this deep orange self-seeded pot marigold, which has only just come into flower.

I dropped Ben off in Stamford and then had just over an hour of brisk walking round Greatford, which is a little way north-east of Stamford, recording plants. One of the footpaths ran along the back of the Great Hall, which is now surrounded by secondary woodland. There must have been a couple of fallow stags within it, as their roars filled the air for several moments. Quite a menacing sound, though I never actually managed to spot them!

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