
Big day today, Adams belated birthday party. The venue, Hanmer Springs Thermal Pools, a 90 minute drive north.

Boys all dropped off at 8.30am, arrived up there after delays just around 11, changed, and straight onto the slides! Well, briefly via a hot pool, but slides it was, not unsurprisingly.

12.30 it was a break for lunch in the café, and presents. Funny, we just wandered in from the pools, the boys didn't even put tops on. And in this picture we have one of the more daring presents, a book. A can't recall the title but "it's for 10 years old & upwards" ... in book 7 apparently one (or more?) of the characters have s*x. Much discussion about that! Hmm.

Then more pool action, well, more slide action. Boys being boys, they of course got told off a few/number of times for not adhering to the rules. You know, one by one, feet first etc. However, they soon figured out that as long as you came out one by one all was well. But I am rather sure the "wicked witch" who was watching figured out what was happening for the whooping and hollering from inside the tunnels ...

Away from the pool at 3.30, home by 5, dinner and early night. Kids were a tad tired ;)

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