
By ChrisGroucutt

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Ooops. Tonight's monomonday will be sadly missed. I had a few glorious ideas, involving going out and shooting some road trails, and one involving a toy elephant pulling a trunk with his trunk, but all came unstuck when I went upstairs about 10pm to check on Mrs G, who had fallen strangely silent while doing her face painting homework. (She's on a course!).

She hadn't just fallen silent, but fallen asleep. Ah bless thinks me. I'll just have a lie down with her for 5 minutes then get on with the blip. But alas, it appears my operating system (ChrisOS.45) completely powered down and that was that.

Hence the last minute scramble for a blip. No matter. Here's my brother's one instead - TaDa!

All worked out in the end. I'm off to do a full reset, night night.


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