Maple Syrup and The Bloke that wasn’t there

Mixed bag today as the day started with The Boss in the kitchen with a big lens and ended with a bloke that wasn’t there.
The kitchen is kinda straight forward and the view is of a young Maple tree that The Boss was ever hopeful of using to produce his favourite stuff to have with bacon. The Bossess pins her hopes on the supermarket. I pin my hopes on someone dropping something and ………Right.
The second image (extra) was taken during a Simulcast of what would normally be a boring Accountants meeting but proved to be totally riveting.

“Disruptive Technologies. Will rapid change leave you rewarded or redundant?” 

The image unfortunately shows a shadow of The Boss with his fruitphone taken before he realised that a screen capture would have been better (blame his distraction factor) but The Bloke was not there. He was beamed in with Holographic Technology. There was a sort of “Poof” and he arrived. He left the same way.
The Blokess on the right was there . Pick the difference.
Hard to do.
 So I was making arrangements until The Boss pointed out that Holographic Dogs don’t actually get to eat anything so I guess I will have to wait for a later version.
Tech aside it was a very scary event with statements like 45% of people currently employed will be replaced with technology in the near future.
I could become a cuddly furry well behaved dog with rechargable batteries.
The Boss said that was attractive BUT I bet it wouldn’t lick his neck in the morning while he is still in bed. Well maybe the later version might. 

The grrreat news was that a New Zealand company was leading the world on Drones and my goodness they had some biggies out there rounding up sheep.
Bah!   oh sorry Woof!

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