Must stop taking photos of foxes...
This lens through the window just isn't quite crisp. Still, I'm supposed to be filming them and not taking time out to take photos. I'm like Dr Bleedin' Doolittle at the moment mind. Riding home from Taiko tonight I see a little fox having a drink from a puddle on the main road near the house. Completely oblivious to me until I'm braking to a stop a yard from him, then bolts through a hedge.
Great fun at Taiko tonight, felt better than last week (might partly because I was taking out some frustrations on the drum, and it's a rather good piece we're learning at times for that). The ride home was wet, but I didn't really care/
Whatever frustrations and stresses I have to get rid of, though, aren't matching up to Mel who is working all the hours your chosen god may send, and doing the full five days (she doesn't normally work a Friday). All driven by mistakes of others than politics then get involved in.
No sign of any let up this month either with timescales for things. Makes that smallholding idea even more tempting to try and make a reality.
Physio first thing for me tomorrow, finally find out if the scrunching in my knee needs looking at further (it has previous, an ACL reconstruction a little over a decade ago - there's likely something floating about).
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