
By MamaOfBoys

My star jammer

Today Kanye went to his first dance class. We enrolled him into Star Jam which do workshops for special needs kids to dance, sing or play instruments.

Andre took Kanye along and said he had a great time. The volunteers there are lovely and were trying to teach them a simple dance routine but quite often its like organised chaos they say! 

They do the class at a dance studio with big mirrors and floor space, it costs us nothing as people raise money and donate to star jam which then can run the classes and give the kids t shirts etc.

Andre helped Kanye attempt some moves but when he let him go , Andre said it was like letting a bird go, he took off-danced, clapped and laughed!

He was having fun but after an hour slowed down a bit, running out of steam. It goes from 630 to 8pm which is late for Kanye, so Andre said that he would most likely take Kanye home around 730. They were happy for Kanye to come along and dance and leave a bit early ,  as most of the other children are a bit older.

Every now and then they put a performance on for families and the other jammers (there's a few other classes too).

We're so happy he enjoyed it, its something just for him as he loves dancing and singing plus it gives Andre one on one time with Kanye which he doesn't often get.

We had a great afternoon, Andres cousin was down from up north for a few days, we haven't sen her for a  few year so was great to catch up.

My sister in law and my nephews came over too as well as Mar having his friend from school over to play so lots of little boys 7 in total running around. Andre entertained them with funny videos where you can put others faces in, they were all giggling away!

Lots of sunshine and happy little guys!

I had a meeting first thing this morning for Mar, they're starting to film some of his routines so when hes upset or perhaps needs to  complete a task we know he can do he can watch a video of himself doing it.

It takes the reliance on me to help him or the need for direct step by step instructions to do something ie socks and shows on, he can do it but sometimes he needs it really broken down in steps by me and i cant always do so.

We know hes intelligent and can do things so having a visual will help him see he can do it by himself and give him more Independence.
So this morning we filmed him walking into school, hanging up his bag, saying good morning to his teacher. 

So a busy but good day!

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