In an effort........ beat the forecast rain ,worked like a Trojan all day clearing scrub trees from the steep bank in my garden.    And having a large bonfire of the branches and leaves :which is always fun :-)       
Which leaves me with the uncomfortable feeling that maybe Im destined to spend eternity down below !!!!  :-D
 I am building a walkway up the escarpment through the trees ,and my neighbour observed in one of those  succinct moments " When are you opening the Stairway to Heaven "  ??   :-D
Of course, its now impossible not to hum "Steps one ,two  and three " each time I set foot on it!!  :-D
But , I shall resist the temptation to don a wig,dark glasses,a white rhinestone suit and blue suede shoes and karaoke (badly )into a microphone as I do so !!

Worryingly,  I have a feeling my neighbour might not!!   :-O

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