
By oneD

Eiffel Tower

Art Series # 166

Acrylic on board - 60 x 80 cms


This is an unfinished painting. It's one I really like as it commemorates a visit to the Eiffel Tower that was for me an astounding visual, psychological, physical sensation and experience. Without being too literal, I wanted to convey the complexity and space held within the structure. I see it as a study for an even bigger and more complex image, undoubtedly influenced by the majestic, beautiful and inspiringly monumental portrayal of the Tower by Robert Delauney:  http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=robert+delaunay+eiffel+tower&view=detailv2&qpvt=robert+delaunay+eiffel+tower&id=B5545E4509015937040C9F3EA9AD7268DB080581&selectedIndex=10&ccid=0HpF%2fB45&simid=608002245564302948&thid=OIP.Md07a45fc1e390d3ee74fbd6f3a70a62dH0&ajaxhist=0

It's unfinished as I couldn't decide what additions were needed - finally I have considered some Victorian flying trapeze artists performing ( as they actually did) and also birds such as doves flying and cavorting.  

It'll be interesting to see how it ends up.


Many thanks to the small band that continues to follow, comment and star these art postings - it's much appreciated.  :-)

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