This half term is pushing its luck

In my pyjamas since 6.30.
I held back on pouring wine until just before 7. It did take a lot of restraint!

Today has just been one of those days. One where people who know me well knew simply by the look on my face.

Going into work when you are in constant chronic pain is hard. When acute pain hits you without warning, takes your breath away and makes the room spin, that's hard too.

Somehow, despite everything that today has thrown at me I have managed to help others.

That has felt good.

So did teaching awesome students who were enthusiastic and super keen to read and to write, because they wanted to.

So did knowing that people around me are good humoured and sensitive. I work with some very very lovely people who are more than simply colleagues. They are more like family.

Home to a letter from hospital with pre-op date.

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