Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Giant shoes and underground car parks ..

Go all the way to Spain and play in a car park and climb into a piece of art... Why wouldn't you when you are both 46 years old .... Who on earth said people had to act 'grown up' ... Well I tell you this for nothing I am NEVER going to behave .. Never .... It looks really bloody boring .

Today a strange thing has occurred .. The rabbit we thought was dead is in fact not dead and now back inside the house .. The house rabbit Roxy is now with her boyfriend Rambo in the giant run outside and foxy who we thought had died is hopping about our old dining room ... It's a long story but just accept the short version for now.All this information has been relayed by the power of 'what's app' ... the first message was 'foxy has been spotted and location noted' ...

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