Hanging on

I can't believe there are so many leaves still left on the trees after the wild, wild weather we had this morning. 

(Henry V  last night was brilliant. It's the first time we've been to a live screening like this and it was amazing to be watching, at the same time as it was happening. A stunning production. Although I am grateful to have been given the chance to see a production that I could never have got to live, I am still a bit ambivalent about watching a film of a stage play. Quite apart from missing the atmosphere of live theatre, in a theatre, I felt at times that the camera was deciding what I could and could not see. Seeing a main character in close-up was great for the facial expression etc. but I kept thinking - I want to see the whole stage, I want to see the impact of what is being said on the other characters. However, it was a great night, enjoyed by everyone and I am not complaining.) 

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