Negative Space

At last, a digital photo school prompt I can work with! 

I usually only do negative space images as a still life though so I went outside for a change. Man alive it's getting dark early!

Remembering what the proper buttons do on the Nikon is always a challenge. I really must try harder and form a habit of doing it more often, then I wouldn't have to consult Google every single time. 

I also need to master the self-timer, no-one likes a wobbly moon.

In house news, I'm hoping there'll soon be news! My estate agent phoned today absolutely brimming with pride that he'd managed to speak to an actual person at the council that knew what we wanted with regards an access licence. 

It turns out the previous owner's wife had it for disability reasons and I have to get my solicitor to make a case for me to have one too. It would seem silly for them not to as the road is already in place across the land but I've told her to pass on my doctor's details in case they want to confirm that I have a balance disorder.

More importantly I want it as some sort of guarantee that they wont just turn up and build something on the land and block my property in. 

I also mentioned to remind them that there is no access at the rear. That's a shame in itself as there is a perfect space for a garage at the bottom of the garden!

Perfect nephew cuddles didn't happen either as he's quite a poorly chap again at the moment. He just wants his mummy. He's teething at quite a rate and was running a temperature too but has been checked over by a doctor and just the usual baby nurofen and calpol have been advised. I raised half a smile with a musical toy but no more than that. 

I've got used to my Thursday hugs, will have to wait a whole week for another one now :( 

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