Arizona Dreamin’

By laurie54

Crocodile Rocks

i know you're patiently waiting for me to get onto my ipad ro begin dictating write up...ty...Laurie

Honestly, I swear I saw crocodiles roaming through these rocks last night! There was water pooled from the rain and I saw, or at least I thought I saw a crocodile or two running roughshod through my yard!

It was dark naturally, so I could have been mistaken but my eyes don't lie. Well, maybe they just don't see as well as they did in past years. It could be that I have been out of my special eyedrops since the beginning of the month. I pick them up next week. Maybe I will be able to see you again. (Not you – things in general. Don't you just love dictation?)

Maybe I was imagining the crocodiles. Maybe they were really there. Who is going to be the one to tell me they weren't? As far as I know, they could have had wings. That's what might have led them to my yard. What you think?

Crocodiles? Hummingbirds? Who knows what might visit me tonight? I have vivid dreams.

But even if I don't see any critters tonight, I can rest assured that I have awfully nice rocks in my front yard.

Wishing you sweet dreams tonight.

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