
By Appreciation

Lads -v- Dads

What is it about putting a bunch of grown men on a ptich amongst their boys that brings out the worst in them?

This was the first time to have a look at some new signings ahead of next season. I have to say it was exciting and I think I will be at a few more matches. We have gained some wee crackers. Our only concern is that our new goalie, shortly after signing, broke his wrist. That's never good.

After full time, and a few dodgy decisions by the referee the scores were level. No extra time for us - straight to penalty shoot out. Not satisfied with taking out the boys during the game with their ferocious tackles the dads then went all out for victory. 5-5. Moving swiftly on to sudden death our boys showed who really could stand the pressure and victory belonged to the boys.

Home in time to watch a game of a very similar nature, although perhaps with the wrong set of penalty results. Maybe our boys should take them next time?

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