Anni Mamundi

By An1ma


.. Having had a week of many chores (honest). I settled down for a little read this afternoon.

I'd borrowed a book telling all about orbs (and the spiritual nature of them).

Having lost myself in it for a couple of hours I popped into the garden for a quick blip (which almost sounds dodgy? :-/ ) which I knew would be an emergency one today (unless something unusual suddenly landed in the garden).

On uploading the images (or downloading? I never quite know which, and I'm aware that this says waaay too much about me) I was surprised, to say the least, to see a big 'blob' in the corner of this very vin ordinaire image. I don't know what it is. But I know it wasn't raining (so it's not water) and it's not on any other images (so I assume it's not dust)  and there were no flashes or lights anywhere (so it's not a reflection).
Who knows. Perhaps it's an orb?

Talking about vin ordinaire though, it IS Friday (just) and the forecast did prove most accurate in the red and mellow department :-)

Happy Friday One and All :-)   

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