New Phone

We spent hours at the AT&T store this morning. OilMan needed a new contract now that he is retired from Chevron--the end of an era and the $24 smart phone bill. I have a different provider but if we are both on the same plan we save quite a bit of money, plus I get a lot of rebates, percs and a new phone, so I switched.

We liked Natalie, our whatever AT&T calls their sales people, so we began telling her how we have been told since we moved that we have no AT&T service to our house, but Natalie, studying her all knowing tablet device, said we should be able to hook right into their fiber optic cable. The technician is coming Monday to hook us up. I wonder if it was Comcast that told us there was no AT&T?

We took Blake, suitably dressed for the occasion in his purple service dog vest, and save for the little dog coming out that he met charged, rolled over on his back greeted as we were going in, he was perfectly behaved for the ensuing 2 hours. Better behaved than I was after 40 pages of fine print that nobody ever reads that Natalie had to go over with us.

Did you know that if you hold the top of the iPhone box it takes exactly 7 seconds to slip off? All part of the design for reasons known only to apple and probably costing enough money make a dent in world hunger.
(I tried pulling the top off and the book flipped open, throwing my new phone to the floor.)

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