
By pennina

Kyrenia( Girne) Harbour and Castle

I'm doing all the blips from the trip after getting back home bit by bit.  This was an interesting day as we did another border crossing in the morning and walked through the buffer zone into the Greek side to visit the Cyprus Museum.It was an archaeological museum and I particularly liked some of the bronze age pots such as the one I have put on my extra blips. The Greeks put propaganda re the Turkish invasion in 1974 at their border crossing, and even in the museum leaflet there was this - ' the invasion of Cyprus by the Turkish Army and the occupation since 1974 of the northern part of Cyprus caused severe damages to the cultural property of the island..."  It is an emotive subject and we had to be careful as my friend is a Turkish Cypriot, whose family experienced the problems during this time, and feelings still run high. I gave her Victoria Hislop' s 'Sunrise" novel, and I am interested in hearing her views.
In the afternoon we visited Kyrenia which is rather touristy. It was very hot and humid and we did our best to see as much as possible.

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