All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch


Hubbie took Ethan to his gymnastics class today - he needs a bit of coax-ing to take him so I end up taking him most weeks but I managed to persuade him today.

We then drove to Tulibody where Ethan & I dropped hubbie at his friend Grahams house. They were driving to Perth to pick up a new unit we'd bought from a shop there. Ethan and I went to my sister-in-laws house to see her and Ethan's cousin Millie for a few hours.

Ethan fell asleep for the 40 minute journey home but woke when I pulled into our driveway. I thought that was his nap over but he snuggled into me and still looked sleepy. When I asked him if he wanted to carry on sleeping in mummy and daddys bed he said yes so I took him up there, cuddled him for a few minutes and he dropped off again. And carried on sleeping ... and sleeping ... and sleeping. In the end his afternoon nap lasted 3 hours 15 minutes!!! I have no idea why he was so tired as he actually had a lie in this morning till nearly 8am. Must be knackered after our holiday this week!

So we didn't do much after he woke up. Stories, sticker books and playing with his toys was as energetic as it got.

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