Mr Smith

By MrSmith

Tasty Apology

A good friend of mine (and fellow blipper) arranged many months ago to come down from the mountain he lives up in the wilderness and down to civilisation to see Ryan Adams with me at the newly opened Picture House in Edinburgh.

Given the length of his journey I checked three times that he definitely wanted to make it before booking the tickets.

Two days ago he cancelled.

Then today these chocolates arrived from the top of Scotland!

Cue much innuendo and laughter around the office about the nature of my relationship with my friend ( Men buying each other boxes of chocs I mean, come on!) and then silence as everyone dived in - these are exceptionally good, the tastiest apology I've ever received anyway! Had to be quick to snap this as they were going at a rate of knots.

You're still a muppet by the way!

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