The Loanhead Pit Pony.
I was collecting a pension from the post office and noticed the late afternoon light on the statue of the pit pony in Loanhead, I've blipped it before, a couple of years ago now, but not from this angle. I thought the trees set it off nicely. It was unveiled the tenth of April 1987, the sculptor being one, Alan Herriot (mis-spelt on the web site). I suddenly recognised the name and realised that he designed the memorial to Wojtek, the Polish soldier bear. I don't know why it has taken me so many years to make the connection. In fact, looking at his own web site, I recognise a lot of his work, several pieces having appeared on my journal.
While checking on my facts a few moments ago I found a newspaper article saying that work was starting on installing Wojtek on the seventh of September, that was about six weeks ago; I've been waiting a long time for that so shall have to sally forth to Princes Street Gardens to investigate. . . .
Mrs TD always says that this is not a pit pony, they were built like miniature cart horses for obvious reasons, this one looks as though it would do well at a gymkhana, and she hopes that Wojtek looks a little more realistic.
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