Candy Strips for Pink October

Today started off lovely and warm but soon cooled down with the wind change. John wanted to get some sort of structure to support the beans so we went and visited our local garden centre. There was one that would have been good but he said it cost too much. We were going to get a few bedding plants while we were there until we saw the long queues at the checkout, we decided to got elsewhere. I did manage to get a few shots of some flowers while I was there. This is one of them.
We got no luck at the next place so just came home again.

Clematis (KLEM-uh-tis) is a genus of flowering plants native to China and Japan belonging to the Ranunculus family. They are known to be vigorous growers, but there are a few shrubs that won’t grow more than 4 feet tall. Some plants are deciduous, while others are evergreen.

The name Clematis comes from the Greek word “klematis,” meaning vine.
This plant is also sometimes known as “Old Man’s Beard,” which gets its name from the long fluffy seed heads that look like an old man’s beard.
All parts of the plant are considered toxic and can cause severe burning sensation and ulcers in the mouth.
Clematis vines are flexible, which makes them perfect for making wreaths.
The leaves and seeds of the C. ligusticifolia was once used as a black pepper substitute when black pepper was very rare and expensive.
For more information on the Clematis.


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