rothesay tramways

Story of the above is my latest postcard display project  This the only Scottish island tramway started horse drawn from Guildford square (see above card) to Port Bannatyne  then electrified in 1902 and extended to Ettrick bay with its sandy beaches and pleasure park in 1905 (see xtra)
Very successful carrying about 1.5 million passengers a year mainly during the Glasgow holidays when thousands came "doon the watter" for their holidays (then the whole county of Bute had a resident population of 18000)
The tramway company started running its own buses by 1925 and the end for the trams came in 1936 as buses took over the various routes
BTW recommend lunch in the hotel in the card then the Temperance hotel now the Esplanade a favourite eatery with locals ..... real ale too!

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