
Today has been a brilliant day. 

Today, both Stella and I felt like walkies :) I'm sure the feeling would have been the same had it been raining, but, nevertheless, we went for walkies :)

Only to Fordham, and another failed geocaching attempt, but, we still had a lovely walk. She got barked at by a little spaniel called Harry but everyone else was friendly and wanted to fuss her. 

A couple more photos on Flickr and Facebook.

Of course we had to stop at our favourite pet shop on the way home, more fussing occurred :) 

I sat down with a kitkat and a cuppa and promptly got asked out to lunch with the family which meant a sneaky weekend glimpse of my very favourite boy. He was much brighter than Thursday but is still teething like nobody's business. 

Yesterday was good for getting work done but the fresh air and exercise was much needed today.

I like Autumn days like this :) More please!

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