One man and his dog!!!
We had a fantastic walk by Bay pond and up to St Nicholas Church. Harvey had a great time meeting lots of friends along the way ( I know it looks as if there was no one about, but I asure you their were lots of folk and dogs) , I sat in the very nicely manicured church yard and cemetery, the grass cut beautifully, the sun was shinning , trees looked lovely and all was right with the world! A took Harvey for another walk whilst I just sat! Back to the car and coffee and a sandwich , shared with Harvey, was a pleasant lunch. Looking out to a smaller pond we saw the Heron in all his spender, whilst the ducks seem to have flown up to Bay Pond, maybe there was more to feed on there! When we got home Harvey was so tired he flaked out on the sheep skin rug, which he seems to have made his own!!!! At 6.30 pm he was collected by the family, no doubt happy to see them and return to his own home. The weekend has been really good . A has to be at the hospital by 9.30 am so it's early rise tomorrow. Have a good week folks.
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