Lisa's blipping life

By Lisamoore

Lazy Sunday morning

Walking and picking what could be the last of the blackberries for this year.
Time isnt something I have had a lot of just now. Funny I thought once the 'children' got to an age they wouldnt need me. Thats true until something happens and you realise just how young they still really are. Although these last few months have been hard for G she is at last getting through the other side ( with the help of an admirer) it has brought us closer than ever and given us some quality time together. E too has been quite floored on how to fit everything into this new life at college, spending 5 hours a day traveling is taking some getting used to. But fitting everything in has been proving a problem. Thank goodness its now half term and we can all chill a bit. Im taking G to London for a couple of days i have a feeling it could cost me!

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