Diplomatic Diva's Delight

By diplomaticdiva


I went to the Glebe for my hair appointment today - it was scheduled for 10am. The salon was supposed to be open from 0900, but when I got there, it was shut! I waited for 45 minutes, but no-one came...

I went back downtown to get a coffee (and a cake) at Starbucks. I asked one of my fellow customers where she got her hair cut and she gave me some info and details. When I went to the recommended hairdressers, they had a cancellation so they were able to see me then and there!

Since I was in the mall anyway, I went to the Apple store and bought an Apple Express, so that I could have wi fi in my apartment - yay! I duly switched on my UK mobiles so that I could access my apps.

Christine and I later went for a long walk to the Glebe, where we window shopped in some lovely boutiques...

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