Autumn Sparkles

Today I had an overnight guest! Nibbler! Gilesey was whisking Darren off to a secret location for his birthday and I got the honor of looking after her! Fat Cat would be confined to the attic for the duration of her stay - her choice! So up went her food and litter tray! Tilly would also be confined to her coop! Lots of tasty treats put in her run to make up for it!
So Nibbler arrived, barked as they left, then settled on the kitchen sofa! I spent the next hour gathering stuff from my "Resources" room to take to Nellie of the Woods - she was having a bring, swop  and donate to raise money for TAMWED and our local refuge group run by The Angel. I left with 5 big bags full of books, clothes, jewelry, toys and art equipment - and Nibbler of course! 
I'm pleased to say Nibbler was on her best behaviour and much admired! She didn't go for the mountains of food laid out, nor go for the soft toys on the floor! Half way through the afternoon we had a walk through the woods, along the stream and back up the road and down into the woods again, a different route for me and lo and  behold I found a beauty of a derelict building! But I had already taken mist swirling along the river first thing in the morning and just taken mushrooms and bokeh ferns, so I walked on past!  
After a bowl of pumpkin soup and homemade bread and lots of vegan salads and wraps left over from Vegan Jo's Earth Cafe stint the previous night. The Cafe is  " a friendly space for environmental, animal and human rights networking." I had a look at all that had been laid out in one of the bedrooms - came away with 2 jars of pickle, 1 jar of honey, 5 books, 2 tops and one red and black net and shimmer asymmetrical dress! 
Once home Nibbler slept, and after a bit of processing I laid down with her and slept too! Then up we both jolted and off to the allotment we went! Saw a phenomenal moon rising above the sheds and trees and resolved to go back the same time the next eve to get it! Dogs and chickens don't mix! So Nibbler was left tied next to the water butt and I hurried the girls into the coop! 
Home, food for us both, Strictly and bed - her on the kitchen sofa, me to the attic to cuddle Fat Cat! What a good day! 

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