P Stands for Photographer I Suppose

Without preamble, I crave your indulgence for a small piece of good news which has come my way on this, the 26th inst. Mr P has heard of several prominent artists who have, over the years, submitted photographic entries to that august body comprised of outstanding individuals in the world of the arts, namely the Royal Scottish Academy, in the hope that their works might be selected for inclusion in their hugely prestigious annual exhibition. Alas, their hopes are so often dashed. Only works of the highest merit are ever chosen; indeed, even to be shortlisted is a considerable accolade for established artists of renown and standing.

I can humbly announce that I do believe labels will shortly be winging their way to my modest abode to attach to “The Wreck of the Switha” - a minor work, and certainly not my best, but perhaps in tune with a public whose taste for the outlandish and garish has waned somewhat.

So, tonight, just for you, to show I can also take a snap of no merit whatsoever, a view along a road as I cycled to Spiers’s. Well, there was news to exchange, was there not. Did I mention the RSA Exhibition? Oh, it’s nothing, and it’s not the final selection, yes an IPA would be lovely...

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