Catherine Lacey: BoyStory

By catherinelacey

Bedtime stories

Every time I walk upstairs to the boys' bedroom, tonight at the perfect time when the evening sun was streaming through the breezy white curtains, it feels like my place of solace. I love it up here, the room I designed from the foundations up.

Loving the vintage Union Jack bunting by 3 Little Bees and this along with many other divine pieces is soon to be featured on my sites, each piece custom designed.

Big health scare for me today. Thank God after several tests and Drs, it's clear. It involved getting the news, spending a couple of hours in mindless calls organising insurance and getting a super quick appointment for this afternoon. Thanks to those who were able to instantly offer support. The result is clear. My mind had played havoc with me today and it was not a pleasant situation to find myself in.

Kristina came this evening for her shift and not only cared for and entertained the boys, but helped me bring some semblance of order to my bourgeoning studio and office. I'm a minimalist and love to work in a clear space, but with life as it's been this year, it was anything but. Peace has now been restored to my body, mind and studio at last.

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