
By Schatzmoney

Trenton FC

Over the weekend my old soccer coach Phil Barry had planned a scrimmage against Trenton FC. They had driven all the way from New Jersey just to come and play us. This game was very important to me because this summer I plan to join their team and practice with them and become better at soccer. We had to wait an extra hour and a half till the team got to the field because they got lost but they eventually got to the field and we started right away. In the first half we got a few chances and Trenton FC controlled the ball for the most part and scored 2 goals. I assumed this would happen because they have very good chemistry and are all very talented players. In the second half we played a lot better and we controlled the ball a good amount of the time and we had a lot of close chances that we didn't finish. Eventually at one point during the game we had earned a throw in and it was thrown to me and I muscled the defender off of me and ripped a very good shot into the top right corner After the game was over everyone came over to my house for dinner but they had to leave in a hurry because they had a game the next day but I still had a great time with them and I can't wait till we do it again.

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