Hassens Walls reserve

A short drive from where we are staying, the lookout point gives a spectacular view for miles. Allegedly named by *Governor Macquarie after a similar site he had seen in India, the highest point is about 1160 metres.

After a lunch time thunder and lightening storm the sun was very hot, we are finding our way around by shopping for essentials and getting a feel for the area.
*from the Internet
Lachlan Macquarie was born on the island of Ulva off the coast of the Isle of Mull in the Inner Hebrides, a chain of islands off the West Coast of Scotland. He was descended from the Scottish Highland family clan MacQuarrie which possessed Ulva, Staffa, and a region of the Isle of Mull for over one thousand years, and his forebears were buried on Iona. In April 1809 Macquarie was appointed Governor of New South Wales.
Macquarie was buried on the Isle of Mull in a remote mausoleum with his wife and son. His grave in Mull is maintained by the National Trust of Australia and is inscribed "The Father of Australia".

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