In The Occupied Territory

By FinHall

Basket case

Some might find this picture of an overflowing litter basket, ugly, untidy and distasteful maybe.
But what is really distasteful is the shenanigans going on in Westminster just now. 
Tories trying to cut working tax credits so that the hard working, less well off get there meagre incomes slashed.
Not only that they fly in unelected, multi millionaires, from their home in AMERICA, to try and bolster their numbers in the vote in the House Of Lords. 
Meanwhile the Labour peers continue the practise that has been common place by the officially elected politicians, by abstaining in the vote. They then claim they were victorious. 
HA! These people only postponed the introduction of the uncaring bill.
Back in the other house George Osborne now looks how he can change the rules so the HoL cannot over-rule the will of the Government.
 Next they all set about putting tax on women's sanitary products.
This comes just after they voted to make all Scottish MP's all but redundant by introducing EVEL.
I have no problems per sae withScottish MP'S not voting on English matters, for years the SNP members have generally not done that anyway, unless it could have an affect north of the border; but surely the fairest way would be to set up a purely English parliament, probably situated away from the south, to deal with these matters.
For the love of anything sane, I cannot understand why these two behemoths of political parties, still have so many, blinkered, self interested supporters.

The title of this song seems to be the motto of so many of the above.
Incidentally, when I saw them the sound was awful making the concert not that great.

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