Are You Sitting Comfortably?

His Lordship is not a well man; he has an attack of the man shivers with a touch of sinusitis added for interest. He is not confined to bed, but secreted behind his study door and only able to take a little light nourishment.

I escaped the germs to meet up with daughter #3 in Portobello for a restorative coffee (minus a scone). This is the very daughter who, earlier in the year, bought a flat in Porty and left Oman to return to her native heath. Very quickly, realising that her potential was better recognised on the airwaves in Muscat, she rented out her flat here and returned there. She is only home for a few days to help us celebrate her big sister's very big birthday.

It seems strange that most times I come to Porty, the tide is out, as it was today. Although the sun was trying its hardest to penetrate the murk, the coast of Fife was hidden from view, but it was a calm day in which to perch outside on a groyne.

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