Wabi Sabi

I purchased this tiny 'Mud Woman' many years ago. I have only two 'Mud Women' in my small Mud Man collection. The female form is elusive in these pieces. But that's another story. This Singing Girl was 'defective' when I took her home. Her left hand had been broken off, maybe it had held something, a delicate bird perhaps...or maybe not. Though 'imperfect', she holds a very honored place in my collection for she represents the concept of the Japanese tradition of Wabi Sabi. I have studied this idea of honoring the imperfection in an object and have extrapolated it to include living things as well. People, dogs, plants...their imperfections make them special and unique. I look for things like chipped pottery and dogs with Wabi parts. My dog Tara is a good example, having been born with a Wabi left front paw. If you would like to read a bit more about Wabi Sabi please take a look at this 'UTNE Reader' article. Or just google Wabi Sabi.
Thank you jensphotos for hosting TinyTuesday22!

*** Here's a link to the Breast Cancer Awareness Site that will provide a free mammogram to a woman in need for every click on the pink bar.  Please take a minute for a great cause. And please pass it on! ***

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